About Us
Part of Uniworld Technology, Business & Learning (UK) Ltd and a Subsidiary of Uniworld Computer technology (Gh) Ltd, established in 1997, incorporated on the 4th March, 1999, Uniworld College is an approved government training & Education provider Registered/accredited by Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), National Board for Professional and Technical Examinations (NABPTEX), Ghana Education Service (GES), West African Examination Council. It is affiliated to several universities and colleges in the UK and Ghana including Capital College London.
The college is a specialist learning provider in several industrial sectors including ICT, Business & Administration, Accounting, Health and social care including General Nursing, Customer Services, Engineering and Manufacturing as well as training in English, Maths and ICT Functional Skills.
It is a medium –sized general further education (FE) college located in the North Industrial area of Accra and Akim Oda, Eastern region. Some core administrative functions such as curriculum development and learning materials design and development are carried out in its London branch.
Uniworld is the first I.T Training and services establishments in the Brim South Area.
In addition to various non-qualification programmes, the college offers courses that lead to national and internationally recognized qualifications from the lowest level 1 covering the traditional apprenticeship, up to the highest level 9, Doctorate in Technology (National TVETQF). It offers Higher National Diploma (HND) qualification in various areas of study, which is awarded by NABPTEX. The Diploma qualifications are awarded by WAEC, which is acceptable by the universities in Ghana for admission into relevant degree programmes.
The college mission lies in ‘helping people and businesses succeed’.
Objective & Goals
To provide quality education & Training to all aspiring students through meaningful academic and professional courses keeping in mind the special needs of the economically, educationally and socially disadvantaged segment of the Ghanaian society
To inculcate knowledge and need-based work skills so that the products of the college find themselves prepared for employment and self-employment avenues as and when required.
To grow vocational areas in apprenticeships in local priority areas to help people and businesses discover and tap the fullest of their potential.
Key Strengths
- Qualified & Experienced Trainers
- Latest lab facilities
- Available 6 days a week
- One-to-one support
- Excellent retention rates
- Good and outstanding teaching on all courses
- Effective partnership leading to widening participation
- Creation of a safe and welcoming learning environment
- Effective and appropriately resourced accommodation strategy
- Excellent students’ attendance and punctuality
Quality Policy
Our policy is to provide practically oriented, consistent, effective, and efficient and satisfactory value for money training and education to all our learners in a conducive-learning environment.
Students and Trainees Guidance & Support
All the students and trainees of the college receive initial guidance through effective information and Learning Technology induction, which is conducted prior to the students’ start of their course of study. Using varying appropriate assessment software and paper based questionnaire all the students are assessed before being placed on a course to ensure they are enrolled on appropriate levels. The college has excellent arrangement for provision of careers guidance, and advice on progression to Higher Education and/or employment.
What students like about the college
- Friendly and secure environment
- Supportive and helpful teachers
- Helpful support with personal financial issues
- Being valued and treated with respect
- Good induction to the college
Achievement and standards
There are significant numbers of Ghanaians with very low language, ICT, literacy and numeracy level. As published in the national newspaper’ Daily Graphic’ of 18th September 2013, page 44, the college provided free of charge one year functional skills education to 20 academically disadvantaged individuals in Akim Oda. The College is very effective in widening participation and it employs over 35 people some of them are its own graduates.
Attendance and punctuality of students are very good; students who attend classes late or disrupt lessons are dealt with firmly and sympathetically.
Since 1999, over 3,000 students have successfully graduated from the college and many of them have progressed to Higher education and/or work in the country or abroad.
The college’s students were among the first candidates who entered for the WAEC’s Diploma and advanced business certificate examinations and from then up till today all of the students who entered for the examination passed.
Quality of education and training
Learning at the college is thoroughly checked through effective questioning and assessment activities. In all the lessons, teaching is sensitive to the diverse cultures and language backgrounds of students. Teaching and training in the occupational area is enthusiastic and stimulating. Both teachers and students have high aspiration of achievement. Teaching at the college inspires and motivates students.
In practical lessons, which are the college’s focus, teachers are able to draw on their own commercial and industrial experience to enliven the lesson and to make the experiences relevant. Classes are small that students working at different levels receive adequate support. Therefore, rather than focusing on the ability of the students to complete assignments, teachers at Uniworld focus on the student’s actual performance.
Teachers make great use of the students’ learning style in lessons and help them to develop independent learning, referencing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. In all the lessons students have great opportunity for discussion. The teacher’s questioning techniques are excellent ensuring students in the classroom are involved and engaged. There is no time wasting with students copying notes and becoming bored and inattentive.
The College makes great use of information and learning technologies (ILT) in lessons across the curriculum and lessons are well planned. Teachers give clear explanation and plan their lessons with relevant materials and activities that help the less able students and meet the needs of the more able students.
Uniworld College has a clear and ambitious premises, transportation and learning resources strategy with over GHC 250,000 spent on establishing its North Industrial area centre.
All the classrooms are fit for purpose. There are Very good seats to allow flexible sitting plans for the classes’ timetable, the facilities in every classroom are excellent. The college has learning and resources centre with good stock of books, periodicals, CD-ROM, audio and video resources. Students have access to the internet and the network is sufficiently fast. Staff at the resource centre is well qualified and provide students with good support and advice.
All the teachers have appropriate teaching qualifications. All the temporary staff benefit from relevant induction and staff development activities and sharing of good practice. Staff development is evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in improving the quality of teaching and learning.
All full-time students and those enrolled on competency based learning courses undertake initial assessment during induction. Either the course tutor or student may request diagnostic testing to identify additional support needs including dyslexia. The testing is also used by tutors to place advanced level students at the correct level for key skills.
The College has tools for initial assessment and students who do not take the assessment risk placement on an inappropriate level of course. The college has mechanism for monitoring individual progress against the learning target set with the students. The target in the individual learning plans are specific and measurable and do enable students to monitor their own progress effectively. In competency based learning, the college ensures students have adequate assessment opportunities in the workplace.
There is excellent and rigorous practice in internal verification and moderation arrangement in areas where students have to sit for external examinations are outstanding.
There is more than adequate range of vocational and Industry specific qualifications that include NTVETQF, MICROST, ORACLE, CERTIPORT, WAEC’s ABCE and significant numbers of students enter for WAEC’s Diploma examinations. The College is committed to promoting development of key skills in all teaching.
The activities of the college focus on achieving its stated objective to ‘Help people and businesses succeed’. Uniworld College is committed to widening its provision through effective partnership with major industry players on various occupational ‘CBT’ areas and international colleges.
The college works collaboratively with other international colleges, universities and some educational authorities in Ghana including Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training ‘COTVET’. The COTVET Act 718 was passed by parliament in July 2006. These lead to expansion of the training programmes and the quality of teaching on all the courses match the entire learner’s aspiration and potential. Students are given very good help to build on their attainment and experience and to progress to college courses at the appropriate level. There is outstanding monitoring of students’ progress from one level to another within the college and from the community to college courses. There is a systematic monitoring process for new courses, which identifies criteria for evaluating their overall effectiveness.
The college has an ‘on-track’ tutorial monitoring system, which enables a more detailed monitoring of students’ progress. Minimum target grades are identified for each student and tutors are able to monitor students’ performance against the grades. This is effectively used by all the tutors in progress review.
The learning styles of students are diagnosed during induction and these are used effectively to inform teaching methods as part of lesson planning.
Leadership and management
The college has Executive Team made up of chief executive and principal. It has directors, mangers and course leaders. The College has an inclusive ethos where students feel welcomed, valued and respected.
Partnership, Affiliation and Accreditation
We work with the following bodies
WAEC is the Africa’s foremost examining body, providing qualitative and reliable educational assessment. Uniworld is a registered Test centre and training provider for WAEC’s ABCE,/Diploma qualifications,
Certiport, a Pearson VUE business, is the world leader in performance-based certification exams and practice test solutions for academic institutions, workforce and corporate technology markets. Uniworld is one of its authorized Test centre and Training providers.
Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) is a national body set up by an Act of Parliament of the Republic of Ghana to co-ordinate and oversee all aspects of technical and vocational education and training in the country. Uniworld is a dedicated registered/accredited training provider and awarding centre for COTVET.